When my mom was growing up, the farm where she lived had chickens. I remember her mentioning that she would sometimes have to get the chickens out of the trees in the evening. I grew up in the suburbs, so my experience with chickens and eggs was getting in the dark green Plymouth Fury III with my mom to drive to a concentrated feed lot. I remember the smell, the flies, and the noise. It was confusing to me. How could such awfulness be turned into something delicious like a cake?
There are many studies available online which can point to eating eggs as being a healthy choice or an unhealthy choice depending upon who is presenting the information. As you read and decide for yourself, keep in mind that confusion is built into the system. If the reader is confused, he or she will be complacent. Complacency is not healthy for you or the habitat which supports your life.
Why should eggs be replaced? Only female birds lay eggs. What happens to the male chicks? Each year about 280 million live male chicks are put into large plastic bags and left to suffocate. Unless the only eggs you consume come from your farm or someone you trust, your purchases contribute to the needless suffering of these animals. It is a holocaust sanctioned by society.
To replace eggs in baking:
- With commercial brand egg replacers like Bob's Red Mill or EnerG, the powder can be put directly into the dry ingredients of a recipe without first mixing with water. Be sure to add 3 Tablespoons of liquid for each egg replaced.
- Flax seed eggs can also be made by taking 1 Tablespoon of flax seed meal and mixing it with 3 Tablespoons of water and allowing to sit for 5 minutes.
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